Celebrating Female Friendship – Ruth & Lynne - Out of the Box Gifts

Celebrating Female Friendship – Ruth & Lynne


Second up in our Galentine’s feature is the fabulous Ruth from Ruthkandu , content creator and marketing strategist. Ruth talks to  us about her uni pal Lynne and what makes their friendship work.

        Ruth & Lynne - Celebrating Friendship

  1.  What would you say is the most important thing that makes your friendship what it is?

Being on the same wavelength, being accepting of each other, celebrating the wins and understanding the lows

  1. What’s your key to keeping in touch and staying close?  

Nothing can beat a proper chat and making time for each other, even if it can’t be frequently.

     3. What’s your favourite memory of your friendship?

Sitting on a bench in front of our flat at about 6am in the morning after a big night out in 1st year at university gossiping and enjoying the Glasgow sunshine.


  1. What are your favourite things you do for each other?

She always makes me laugh, she is a brilliant host and she is always herself.  Both my children are super relaxed around her even though we only see each other a few times a year.


     5. And finally, where and when did you meet?

1996, 1st year at university, we were put in a flatshare together


Thanks so much for sharing Ruth. I am in a similar situation with many of my friends, geographically they’re far away but when we get together it’s like we’ve never been apart. And lots of great memories of sitting on benches at 6 a.m. too, but definitely very much in the past! I’ll never forget my dad giving my friends and I a lift home as he drove past us at the taxi rank on his way to play golf!

Follow Ruth for great marketing and content tips on Instagram.com/ruthkandu

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